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00001 /*
00002  * $Id: vendors.h,v 1.8 2005/11/13 10:36:12 cbiere Exp $
00003  *
00004  * Copyright (c) 2001-2003, Richard Eckart
00005  *
00006  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
00007  * This file is part of gtk-gnutella.
00008  *
00009  *  gtk-gnutella is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00010  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00011  *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
00012  *  (at your option) any later version.
00013  *
00014  *  gtk-gnutella is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00015  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00017  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
00018  *
00019  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00020  *  along with gtk-gnutella; if not, write to the Free Software
00021  *  Foundation, Inc.:
00022  *      59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
00023  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
00024  */
00036 #ifndef _vendors_h_
00037 #define _vendors_h_
00039 #include <glib.h>
00041 /***
00042  *** Known gnutella vendor codes
00043  ***/
00045 #define MAKE_CODE(a,b,c,d) ( \
00046     ((guint32) (a) << 24) | \
00047     ((guint32) (b) << 16) | \
00048     ((guint32) (c) << 8)  | \
00049     ((guint32) (d)))
00051 #define T_ACQL  MAKE_CODE('A','C','Q','L')
00052 #define T_ACQX  MAKE_CODE('A','C','Q','X')
00053 #define T_AGNT  MAKE_CODE('A','G','N','T')
00054 #define T_ARES  MAKE_CODE('A','R','E','S')
00055 #define T_ATOM  MAKE_CODE('A','T','O','M')
00056 #define T_AZOO  MAKE_CODE('A','Z','O','O')
00057 #define T_BARE  MAKE_CODE('B','A','R','E')
00058 #define T_BEAR  MAKE_CODE('B','E','A','R')
00059 #define T_BGNU  MAKE_CODE('B','G','N','U')
00060 #define T_COCO  MAKE_CODE('C','O','C','O')
00061 #define T_CULT  MAKE_CODE('C','U','L','T')
00062 #define T_DRIP  MAKE_CODE('D','R','I','P')
00063 #define T_EVIL  MAKE_CODE('E','V','I','L')
00064 #define T_FEVR  MAKE_CODE('F','E','V','R')
00065 #define T_FIRE  MAKE_CODE('F','I','R','E')
00066 #define T_FISH  MAKE_CODE('F','I','S','H')
00067 #define T_FZZN  MAKE_CODE('F','Z','Z','N')
00068 #define T_GDNA  MAKE_CODE('G','D','N','A')
00069 #define T_GIFT  MAKE_CODE('G','I','F','T')
00070 #define T_GNEW  MAKE_CODE('G','N','E','W')
00071 #define T_GNOT  MAKE_CODE('G','N','O','T')
00072 #define T_GNTD  MAKE_CODE('G','N','T','D')
00073 #define T_GNTG  MAKE_CODE('G','N','T','G')
00074 #define T_GNUC  MAKE_CODE('G','N','U','C')
00075 #define T_GNUM  MAKE_CODE('G','N','U','M')
00076 #define T_GNUT  MAKE_CODE('G','N','U','T')
00077 #define T_GTKG  MAKE_CODE('G','T','K','G')
00078 #define T_HSLG  MAKE_CODE('H','S','L','G')
00079 #define T_HUIT  MAKE_CODE('H','U','I','T')
00080 #define T_JHOP  MAKE_CODE('J','H','O','P')
00081 #define T_JOEY  MAKE_CODE('J','O','E','Y')
00082 #define T_KIKI  MAKE_CODE('K','I','K','I')
00083 #define T_KISS  MAKE_CODE('K','I','S','S')
00084 #define T_LIME  MAKE_CODE('L','I','M','E')
00085 #define T_LION  MAKE_CODE('L','I','O','N')
00086 #define T_MACT  MAKE_CODE('M','A','C','T')
00087 #define T_MESH  MAKE_CODE('M','E','S','H')
00088 #define T_MIRT  MAKE_CODE('M','I','R','T')
00089 #define T_MLDK  MAKE_CODE('M','L','D','K')
00090 #define T_MMMM  MAKE_CODE('M','M','M','M')
00091 #define T_MNAP  MAKE_CODE('M','N','A','P')
00092 #define T_MRPH  MAKE_CODE('M','R','P','H')
00093 #define T_MUTE  MAKE_CODE('M','U','T','E')
00094 #define T_NAPS  MAKE_CODE('N','A','P','S')
00095 #define T_NGET  MAKE_CODE('N','G','E','T')
00096 #define T_NOOG  MAKE_CODE('N','O','O','G')
00097 #define T_NOVA  MAKE_CODE('N','O','V','A')
00098 #define T_OCFG  MAKE_CODE('O','C','F','G')
00099 #define T_OPRA  MAKE_CODE('O','P','R','A')
00100 #define T_OXID  MAKE_CODE('O','X','I','D')
00101 #define T_PCST  MAKE_CODE('P','C','S','T')
00102 #define T_PHEX  MAKE_CODE('P','H','E','X')
00103 #define T_PWRT  MAKE_CODE('P','W','R','T')
00104 #define T_QTEL  MAKE_CODE('Q','T','E','L')
00105 #define T_RASP  MAKE_CODE('R','A','S','P')
00106 #define T_RAZA  MAKE_CODE('R','A','Z','A')
00107 #define T_SHNB  MAKE_CODE('S','H','N','B')
00108 #define T_SNOW  MAKE_CODE('S','N','O','W')
00109 #define T_SNUT  MAKE_CODE('S','N','U','T')
00110 #define T_STRM  MAKE_CODE('S','T','R','M')
00111 #define T_SWAP  MAKE_CODE('S','W','A','P')
00112 #define T_SWFT  MAKE_CODE('S','W','F','T')
00113 #define T_TFLS  MAKE_CODE('T','F','L','S')
00114 #define T_TOAD  MAKE_CODE('T','O','A','D')
00115 #define T_VPUT  MAKE_CODE('V','P','U','T')
00116 #define T_WAST  MAKE_CODE('W','A','S','T')
00117 #define T_XOLO  MAKE_CODE('X','O','L','O')
00118 #define T_XTLA  MAKE_CODE('X','T','L','A')
00119 #define T_YAFS  MAKE_CODE('Y','A','F','S')
00120 #define T_ZIGA  MAKE_CODE('Z','I','G','A')
00121 #define T_peer  MAKE_CODE('p','e','e','r')
00123 #define T_0000  0x00000000
00131 #define VENDOR_CODE_CMP(a, b) CMP(a, b)
00133 union vendor_code {
00134     guint32 be32;   
00135     guchar  b[4];   
00136 };
00138 const gchar *vendor_code_str(guint32 code);
00139 const gchar *lookup_vendor_name(union vendor_code code);
00140 gboolean is_vendor_known(union vendor_code code);
00142 void vendor_init(void);
00144 #endif /* _vendors_h_ */
00145 /* vi: set ts=4 sw=4 cindent: */

Generated on Sun Feb 12 10:49:58 2006 for Gtk-Gnutella by doxygen 1.3.6