_GtkCellRendererProgress | |
_GtkCellRendererProgressClass | |
_GtkCellRendererProgressPriv | |
_GtkColumnChooser | |
_GtkColumnChooserClass | |
_search_table | |
_TABLE | |
add_node_context | |
addr_info | Information kept in the info table, per IP address |
adns_async_write | |
adns_cache_entry | |
adns_cache_struct | |
adns_query | |
aging | |
aging_value | We wrap the values we insert in the table, since each value must keep track of its insertion time, and cleanup event |
alive | Structure used to keep track of the alive pings we sent, and stats |
alive_ping | |
atom | Atoms are ref-counted |
attr | Private attributes for the decompressing layer |
bgtask | Internal representation of a user-defined task |
bio_source | Source under bandwidth control |
bitzi_data_t | Bitzi_data_t |
bitzi_request_t | The bitzi_request_t structure ties together each Bitzi request which are stored in the request queue |
browse_ctx | |
browse_host_ctx | |
bsched | Bandwidth scheduler |
buffer | |
bws_set | Global bandwidth schedulers |
cache_line | |
cached_pong | |
cancel_context | |
cevent | Callout queue event |
chash | |
cobs_stream | A COBS stream is used to fill a buffer space with COBS-ed data where the input data is not known beforehand but gathered a piece at a time |
conv_to_utf8 | |
cpattern_t | |
cproxy | A client push proxy request |
cqueue | Callout queue descriptor |
dime_record_header_s | |
dime_record_s | |
dl_action_t | |
dl_addr | Keys in the `dl_by_addr' table |
dl_buffers | Structure used to control read buffering for active downloads |
dl_file_chunk | |
dl_file_info | |
dl_key | |
dl_server | |
dmesh | |
dmesh_banned | |
dmesh_deferred_url_t | A simple container for the dmesh info that the deferred checking code needs, although to be honest it may be worth refactoring the dmesh code so it all works on dmesh_entries? |
dmesh_entry | |
dmesh_urlinfo_t | A download mesh info (describes an URL) |
download | |
dqhit | Information about query hits received |
dquery | The dynamic query |
efj_t | Parse (and eventually fill in) the bitzi specific data |
event | |
event_table | |
extdesc | An extension descriptor |
extension | |
extvec | A public extension descriptor |
fi_tag | |
fifo | |
fifo_real | The real FIFO structure (the advertised fifo_t is just a facade) |
file_path_t | This structure is used to identify a file to be saved/restored |
file_sha1 | This is a file waiting either for the digest to be computer, or when computed to be retrofit into the share record |
filter | |
filter_context | Structure holding "global" variables during filtering |
filter_property | The following struct is used to hold the state information of filter properties |
filter_result | This is used to hold the result of a filter |
found_struct | |
fragment_s | |
g2packet_s | |
g2packetstream_s | |
getline | A getline "object" |
ggep_gtkgv1 | Decompiled payload of "GTKGV1" |
ggep_stream | Structure keeping track of incremental GGEP writes |
gnet_bw_stats | |
gnet_fi_chunks | |
gnet_fi_info | |
gnet_fi_status | |
gnet_host_vec | |
gnet_node_flags | |
gnet_node_info | |
gnet_node_status | |
gnet_record | An individual hit |
gnet_results_set | A results_set structure factorizes the common information from a Query Hit packet, and then has a list of individual records, one for each hit |
gnet_stat | |
gnet_upload_info | |
gnet_upload_status | |
gnutella_bye | |
gnutella_header | Header structure |
gnutella_host | A gnutella host |
gnutella_init_response | |
gnutella_msg_hsep_data | |
gnutella_msg_init | |
gnutella_msg_init_response | |
gnutella_msg_push_request | |
gnutella_msg_qrp_patch | |
gnutella_msg_qrp_reset | |
gnutella_msg_search | |
gnutella_msg_vendor | |
gnutella_node | |
gnutella_push_request | |
gnutella_qrp_patch | |
gnutella_qrp_reset | |
gnutella_search | |
gnutella_search_results | |
gnutella_search_results_out | |
gnutella_socket | |
gnutella_vendor | |
gservent | A servent entry, used as values in the `servent_by_host' table |
gwc | |
hash_list | |
hash_list_iter | |
hashtree_s | |
hcache_stats | |
header | Header parsing and holding data structures |
header_field_t | A header field |
header_fmt | Header formatting context |
header_x_feature | |
host_vec | Host vector held in query hits |
hostcache | A hostcache table |
hostcache_entry | An entry within the hostcache |
http_async | An asynchronous HTTP request |
http_buffer | HTTP data buffered when it cannot be sent out immediately |
http_error_t | |
http_extra_desc_t | |
http_range | HTTP range description |
idtable | |
inputevt_relay_t | The relay structure is used as a bridge to provide GDK-compatible input condition flags |
io_error | This structure holds all the per-resource callbacks that can be used during header processing in case something goes wrong |
io_header | This structure is used to encapsulate the various arguments required by the header parsing I/O callbacks |
ip_record | |
iprange_db | |
iprange_net | A CIDR network description |
iprange_stats_t | Statistics |
iso3166_entry_t | |
magnet_download | |
magnet_source | |
mem_chunk | |
menu_helper | |
merge_context | |
mesh_info_key | This structure is the key used in the mesh_info hash table to record when we last sent mesh information to some IP about a given file (identified by its SHA1) |
mesh_info_val | |
message | An entry in the routing table |
monitored | A monitored file |
moved | Moving daemon context |
mq_cops | |
mq_ops | Operations defined on all mq types |
mq_udp_info | The "meta data" attached to each message block enqueued yields routing information, perused by the queue to route messages |
mq_udp_info_extended | The extended meta data are used when the enqueued message is already extended |
mqueue | A message queue |
namesize | The (name, size) tuple |
network_pair | |
next_up | Structure produced by dq_fill_next_up, representing the nodes to which we could send the query, along with routing information to be able to favor UPs that report a QRP match early in the querying process |
node_bad_client | |
node_data | |
node_parser | |
node_rxfc_mon | This structure keeps tracks of remote flow-control indications and measures the time spent in flow-control over a period of time |
node_s | |
ntp_msg | An NTP message, as described in RFC2030 (trailing auth-data ignored) |
oob_proxy_rec | Record keeping track of the MUID remappings happening for the proxied OOB queries |
oob_results | A set of hits awaiting delivery |
parq_banned | |
parq_dl_queued | Contains the queued download status |
parq_entry_t | |
parq_tag | |
parq_ul_queue | Holds status of current queue |
parq_ul_queued | Contains the queued upload |
parq_ul_queued_by_addr | |
parse_context | |
patch_listener_info | |
pdata | |
pmsg | |
pmsg_ext | An extended message block |
pmsg_info | Information about query messages sent |
pong_info | Basic pong information |
pong_meta | Pong metadata that we try to preserve when present |
pool | A memory pool descriptor |
pproxy | A push proxy request we received |
prop_def | Property definition |
prop_def_boolean | |
prop_def_choice | Container struct definitions for the different property types |
prop_def_guint32 | |
prop_def_guint64 | |
prop_def_storage | |
prop_def_string | |
prop_def_timestamp | |
prop_map | The property maps contain informaiton about which widget should reflect which property |
prop_set | Property set definition |
prop_set_stub | Property set stub to access property set |
qrp_context | |
qrp_patch | |
qrp_reset | |
qrt_compress_context | |
qrt_info | |
qrt_patch_context | |
qrt_receive | |
qrt_update | |
query | |
query_context | A query context |
query_hash | |
query_hashvec | |
query_routing | This structure is opaque for nodes, and is installed as `query_routing' information in the node structure |
queue_select_help_t | |
range_context | Context used during ip_range_split() calls |
read_ctx | |
recent | |
record | An individual hit |
relay_list | |
remove_row_ctx | |
result_data | |
results_set | A results_set structure factorizes the common information from a Query Hit packet, and then has a list of individual records, one for each hit |
route_data | We don't store a list of nodes in the message structure, but a list of route_data: the reason is that nodes can go away, but we don't want to traverse the whole routing table to reclaim all the places where they were referenced |
route_dest | Routing destination, as determined by route_message() |
route_log | Routing logging |
routing_patch | A routing table patch |
routing_table | A routing table |
rule | Definition of a filter rule |
rwtable | Reserved word description |
rx_chunk_args | Arguments to be passed when the layer is intantiated |
rx_chunk_cb | Callbacks used by the inflating layer |
rx_inflate_args | Arguments to be passed when the layer is intantiated |
rx_inflate_cb | Callbacks used by the inflating layer |
rx_link_args | Arguments to be passed when the layer is intantiated |
rx_link_cb | Callbacks used by the link layer |
rxdriver | A network driver |
rxdrv_ops | Operations defined on all drivers |
search | Structure for search results |
search_ctrl | Structure for search results |
search_queue | A search queue |
selection_ctx | |
sendfile_ctx | |
server_select | |
sha1_cache_entry | There's an in-core cache (the GHashTable sha1_cache), and a persistent copy (normally in ~/.gtk-gnutella/sha1_cache) |
sha1_computation_context | |
SHA1Context | This structure will hold context information for the SHA-1 hashing operation |
shadow | |
shared_file | |
smsg | A search queue entry |
smsg_info | Message information for mutated blocks |
socket_addr | |
socket_linger | |
special_ctx | |
special_file | Describes special files which are served by GTKG |
st_bin | |
st_entry | |
statusbar_msgid_t | |
statusbar_timeout | Timeout entry for statusbar messages |
statx | A one-dimension container (x) |
subscriber | |
subzone | Extra allocated zones |
table_desc | Description of atom types |
term_counts | This is what the stat_hash's 'val' points to |
tokkey | Describes the keys to use depending on the version |
trailer | The trailer fields of the fileinfo trailer |
tsync | Records the time at which we sent a "Time Sync" to remote peers, along with the event that will expire those entries |
tt_computation_context_s | |
tt_context | The default size of interim values stack, in TIGERSIZE blocks |
tt_file_to_hash_s | |
tx_close_arg | Argument for tx_close_next() |
tx_deflate_args | Arguments to be passed when the layer is intantiated |
tx_deflate_cb | Callbacks used by the deflating layer |
tx_dgram_args | Arguments to be passed when the layer is intantiated |
tx_dgram_cb | Callbacks used by the datagram layer |
tx_link_args | Arguments to be passed when the layer is intantiated |
tx_link_cb | Callbacks used by the link layer |
txdriver | A network driver |
txdrv_ops | |
uhc_context | Request context, used when we decide to get hosts via the UDP host caches |
ul_stats | |
unique_substrings | |
update_help_t | |
upload | |
upload_http_cb | This structure is used for HTTP status printing callbacks |
upload_row_data | |
url_params_t | Parsed URL parameters (from query string) |
used_uhc | |
used_val | |
utf32_comb_class | |
utf32_general_category | |
utf32_nfkd | The upper 8 bit of c are reserved for flags |
vendor | |
vendor_code | |
verifyd | Verification daemon context |
vernum | |
version | A decompiled version descriptor |
vms_feature | Items in the "Features Supported" vector |
vms_item | Items in the "Messages Supported" vector |
vmsg | Definition of vendor messages |
vp_context | The context for drawing, including location to draw |
vp_info | Locally cached information from fileinfo needed for drawing the graphics |
whitelist | |
word_entry | |
word_vec_t | Search query splitting |
work | Work queue entry |
wrap_buf | |
wrap_io | |
xfeature_t | |
xfeatures_t | |
zlib_deflater_t | Incremental deflater stream |
zone | Zone structure |