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Current version: 1.2.3

Headless mode commands

Headless (or Topless) mode allows gtk-gnutella tu run without a graphical interface. This is mostly meant to be used for running gtk-gnutella as an ultrapeer on a server. To run gtk-gnutella in headless mode refer to the Online Manual.

Commands to the gtk-gnutella headless instance must be given from the command line shell.

To interact with your topless gtk-gnutella process, run the following:

$ gtk-gnutella --shell help status quit

You can also say:

$ echo status | gtk-gnutella --shell $ echo help lib | gtk-gnutella --shell

This can be used to generate (almost) truly random numbers 31-bit numbers:

$ echo random 0x7fffffff | gtk-gnutella --shell | cut -d' ' -f 2

You can also get statistics:

$ echo memory show pmap | gtk-gnutella --shell | head $ echo thread stats -p | gtk-gnutella --shell $ echo stats -p | gtk-gnutella --shell

You can see internal threads and background tasks:

$ echo thread list | gtk-gnutella --shell $ echo task list -s | gtk-gnutella --shell

You can query and change properties:

$ echo props -v _debug | gtk-gnutella --shell $ echo set -v matching_debug 5 | gtk-gnutella --shell
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gtk-gnutella © 2000-2014 by Yann Grossel, Raphaël Manfredi and various contributors.