Searching by hash and by magnet-link
Searching by urn:sha1:
If you want to search a file by its SHA1 hash, just enter it into the search
box and press enter, gtk-gnutella-0.91.tar.gz for example has
If you want to find out the SHA1 of one of the files you are sharing, try to
use something like:
$ cat ~/.gtk-gnutella/sha1_cache | grep gtk-gnutella-0.91.tar.gz 3OYPL2DQ3C6VFCWZZCB3GAZGBEQVIPSO 649623 1037522542 /my/shared/files/gtk-gnutella-0.91.tar.gz
The bold thing is the encoded sha1 hash of that file. Now to search for it,
just put urn:sha1: in front of it and let it go.
There are additional methods of getting a SHA1. Just look into our
tools directory.
Searching by magnet: link
Searching by magnet link is currently not completely supported (you can't click on a link from a browser) but you can copy and paste the link into the search field of gtk-gnutella and it will open a new search for that file.
Markus "guruz" Goetz <guruz at guruz dot de>