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Huidige versie: 1.2.3

Our quick git guide

Gtk-gnutella's sourcecode is nowadays hosted on github at You can clone the git repository with the URL

Quick guide

A new build of gtk-gnutella should now be available under src/gtk-gnutella, which you can now launch with ./src/gtk-gnutella.

After a while there will be new changes pushed to the origin remote. To fetch these and build a new version while still in the gtk-gnutella source directory, enter:

Which will also cause a new build of gtk-gnutella to be available under src/gtk-gnutella.

We need people to test new features and it would be great if you'd test this devel branch and report any issues to us at the bug tracker or by mail at

That's it, read our extended git guide if you want to know more on how you can make more use of git, for example if you encounter a bug and want to fix it yourself.

Whats in the devel branch to be tested

Currently we need help with testing the following features in the devel branch:

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gtk-gnutella © 2000-2014 door Yann Grossel, Raphaël Manfredi en andere medewerkers